SEND Post 16 Destinations

All pupils that make use of SEND support benefit from excellent support with their transition to the next stage in education. We have been delighted to see pupils with EHCPs progress to achieve A Levels in Finance and Management and honours degrees in ICT. In KS4 pupils are offered a fantastic careers support package via an external agency, including six meetings per year and onsite support from our own SEN careers advisor.

The HEPPSY program has been well-embedded and has contributed to the significant increase in aspiration in the Academy. This is supported by a rounded careers programme which ensures all students in the Academy receive effective support and guidance.

IQM Report March 2021

All pupils that make use of SEND support have progressed to post-16 and moved on to higher education at some of these settings:  

Some pupils that make use of SEND support have also gone on to study at Cambridge and Sheffield Hallam University after College or 6th form.